With the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
Events / The folk celebrations
The traditional regional winter holiday "Yule-tide in Vitoslavlitsy"
8 january, 2015, Veliky Novgorod
That is the brightest winter holiday in the national calendar. Folk groups and people ensembles of Novgorod region take part in festive activities. In handicraft rows souvenirs and items of decorative and applied arts are presented. The event itinerary features folk games and contests, ceremonial meals, carols of mummers, funny Petrushka, fortune-telling, funny winter entertainments, workshops on making Christmas gifts.
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Region: Novgorod region
City: Veliky Novgorod
Phone: (8162) 77 60 53, 73 96 07, 77 37 38, 77 81 60
Website: novgorodmuseum.ru www.visitnovgorod.ru