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The Days of Historical and Cultural Heritage of Moscow take place in Moscow on April 20 and May 17

17 April, 2014

For the majority of the city residents and guests that is the only opportunity in a year to visit the famous mansions, palaces, embassies – the buildings that are usually closed for visits.

Among the architectural attractions that are opening their doors at special days - Moscow City Hall, Grand Kremlin Palace, Petrovsky Road Palace, Russian State Library, Pashkov House, mansions and manour houses built by the designs of the architect F.O. Shechtel and many others.

The main objective of the Days of the historical and cultural heritage of Moscow is promotion of Moscow architectural landmarks and demonstration of innovative methods in organization of cultural events.

Moscow museums will prepare a programme of activities: alongside with traditional observation of expositions and exhibitions, visitors can take part in walking and bus city tours, concerts, literary and theatrical evenings, artistic meetings, master classes, performances.

All museums and exhibition halls that are administered by the Department of Culture of the city of Moscow will operate with free admission from 10:00 to 18:00.

Special programmes for visitors are organized by parks of culture and recreation, libraries, cinemas, clubs and houses of culture, too.

The Department of cultural heritage of the city of Moscow in those days organizes sightseeing visits for citizens to historical and architectural monuments, embassies, administrative buildings and offices of organizations.

For the first time in 2014 during the Days of cultural heritage a series of walking tours around  Moscow will be organized. The new city inter-museum project will start, too: a series of quests with themed routes through museums.

Special programmes will be organized in the streets and squares.

The capital museums together with the creative team "Art-Tour" and with the support by the Department of culture of Moscow will make one more step towards the citizens and tourists: on April 20 at Tverskaya and some pedestrian streets the project "The Masterpieces of the World Museums in the city streets" will start.

The organizer of the Days of historical and cultural heritage: the Department of Culture of the city of Moscow and the Department of cultural heritage of the city of Moscow.

The official coordinator: The Museum of Moscow.

Hotline: +7 495 988-26-76.

Reservation for excursions and tours shall be made in advance!