With the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
Events / Arts festivals
The International Festival of Bard Song "Nightingale Trill"
5 - 7 june, 2015, Kursk region
The Nightingale Trill is held annually since 1989. The festival has welcome many famous bards: B. Vakhnyuk, A. Gorodnitsky, V. Turiyansky, A. Mirzoyan, brothers Mishchuk, O. Mityaev, Yu. Kukin and others.
The main purpose of the festival is to promote the genre of bard song as the unique phenomenon of the national culture.
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Region: Kursk region
Venue: settlement Dichnya, tract Rakhol, Quay of Seim river
Organizer: Administration of Kursk region
Phone: (4712) 39 21 15, (915) 515 11 11
Website: vk.com/bardkursk