With the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
Events / Other festivals and celebrations
The Night of Lights in Gatchina
At the night from August 2 to 3 in the Palace park of museum-reserve "Gatchina" for the second time the festival “The Night of Lights” featuring light and fireworks show in the open air will take place.
For several hours Gatchina park will turn into a magical land. Dramatized performances, laser and projection show intertwining reality and fiction in a tricky way will unfold by Admiralty, the well of Jordan, the Water maze, the Birch House, in the Botanical Gardens and at the Island of Love.
Reigning supreme over the park the magnificent Gatchina Palace thanks to illumination will "come to life" and turn into the main "participant" of the show.
The theme of performances this year is diverse, yet they are all somehow related to the images of Gatchina, Gatchina Palace and the Palace park.
At the end of "The Night of Lights" everybody will see grandiose multimedia show over the waters of the White lake.